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How to Manage a Leaking Tap

Important Step: Turn off the water

Irrespective of whether the leaky faucet is located in your kitchen or bathroom, it's essential to first turn off the water supply and drain the pipes before replacing or cleaning the valve. For bathroom and kitchen sinks, you should shut off the angle valve located under the basin or at the mains. 

What to do if you are in an apartment with a leaking tap

If locating the stopcock within your apartment proves challenging, you might have to turn off the entire water supply to your residence. Normally, this valve is situated in the cellar and is usually labeled, often with a tag. If the labeling is unclear and you're unsure which stopcock to shut off, it's recommended to get in touch with your building's caretaker or your landlord.

Before proceeding with any further repairs, it's crucial to verify that there's no remaining water pressure in the cold or hot water pipes. To do this, fully open a tap. If the water supply is successfully shut off, only the residual water in the pipes will flow out, and the stream will cease within a few seconds. If the water pressure persists, it indicates that the corresponding stop valve hasn't been fully closed yet.

Safeguard the ceramic and the faucet components

To safeguard the ceramic and the faucet components from potential damage during the valve repair, remember this useful tip: place a towel in the basin or bath. This will shield delicate parts and surfaces while also preventing any small components from accidentally going down the drain.

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